By the way, you won't put that thing in about me wanting to have sex on a football pitch, will you?
I'm a big fan of Tony Blair. I'm not saying that I think his judgment has always been right, but I look at him as a person.
I would be upset if I was on the 'worst dressed'. It would make me think, 'Surely I haven't done anything that horrific - have I?'
Our life may look glamorous, but we scream at the kids, and I have to tell Jamie to tidy up if we have guests coming over.
I don't get involved in football! I haven't got a sporty bone in my body.
I don't feel body confident at all! Anything but, actually.
All my friends are girls. I just prefer the company of women.
I hate sport. I like girlie things.
The gold iridescent 'Naked' outfit is perhaps not my finest moment.
I love Pilates - I am a really big believer in it as a practise; I think it's fab.
There are very few people I would trust to look after my children.
New Zealand was one of the most beautiful countries to drive through for the scenery and the vast scale of the place.
I absolutely love reading; it is a fantastic way of unwinding.
Growing up, I was never the kind of girl to dream about wedding dresses and pretty houses.
People ask me whether I'd like another child, and it is difficult to answer, as I am so happy with the two I have.
It's inevitable as I get older, I am going to get more wrinkles; it's something you have to accept.
I'm not somebody who likes to show off my cleavage, and I don't dress up for the papers.
I love fashion, but I do it in a really laid-back way. I'd much rather be underdressed than overdressed.
My wardrobe staple is simple shirt dresses. They never date, and you can put them with a heel or a flat sandal.
I grew up in a few houses because my dad was a builder, so we used to build and sell quite a lot.
The problem with being in the public eye for a long time is there are 20 years worth of looks to come back and haunt you!
I think wearing less makeup can seem a bit scary for some women because we get so used to seeing ourselves look a certain way.