We need international support so that our people live a life of normality, of dignity, of liberty and freedom. I hope that our cry for freedom may be heard.
We cannot build a viable state with a country that is disintegrating into small pieces.
We worked on this resolution believing we could achieve a consensus but it wasn't possible.
We cannot build foundations of a state without rule of law.
Let us all pledge to protect this opportunity in order to see that the wish of peace becomes a true and daily fact in this region.
We have accepted the principle of democracy and we are committed to respect the popular verdict and the result of that national consultation.
They attack us and our land every day, to whom are we to complain? The security council let us down - where are we to go?
We want the Israelis to leave. They want to leave - so let us let them leave.
We differ on several issues. And this may include settlement, the release of prisoners, the wall closing institutions in Jerusalem.
We will not backtrack from our position in demanding that international legitimacy be achieved.
Mr. President, it's about time for israel to end its occupation of our people and of our land.
We have one authority and one law and everyone has the responsibility to follow that law and that authority.
We will submit our project to the un security council tomorrow [wednesday].
I can certainly put myself in Israel's shoes. They are humans just like we are. They want peace and security inside their borders.
No state on earth can afford to allow several authorities to co-exist next to one another.