The king inherits a country - the people only hard work.
The barking dog gives you no power - it gives you fear.
Debts make the thief.
To love the law is to lose money.
May your friendship not be like a stone: if it breaks you cannot put the pieces together. May it be like iron: when it breaks, you can weld the pieces back together.
Living is not a reward and dying is no crime.
Only thin dogs become wild.
Do not waste your time looking for soft ground to drive your spade in.
He is truly hungry who accepts defeat in a fight over meat.
To deny god's existence is like jumping with your eyes closed.
Crosses are ladders which lead to heaven.
Done in by his own trade like a water merchant in the rain.
Do not measure up the wood before the tree is cut down.
When you treat someone like a wild cat, he will steal your chickens.
Words go further than bullets.
The sin for which you repent is the father of virtue; but a virtue that you talk about, is the mother of sin.
The lazy man who goes to borrow a spade says, "i hope I will not find one."
The food which is prepared has no master.
The eel that got away is as fat as your thigh.
The earth is god's bride - she feeds the living and cherishes the dead.
The earth is a giant cooking pot and men are the meat therein.
The dying person cannot wait for the shroud to be woven.
The dog's bark is not might but fright.
Sorrow is like rice in an attic: you use a little every day and at the end it is all gone.
Sick people are like kings.
Sadness is a valuable treasure - only discovered in people you love.
Roosters' tail feathers: pretty but always behind.