The real war is not between the West and the East. The real war is between intelligent and stupid people.
Image is an international language.
The first writing of the human being was drawing, not writing.
The information I have about Iran is second hand.
America is a very special place. In this country, you have the best and the worst at the same time. Whatever you can imagine.
All big changes of the world come from words.
I wasn't made to take orders. My grandmother used to tell me 'Laws are for idiots.' She was right.
It's true that, in Iran, women have half of the rights men do. And yet 66 per cent of students are women.
My mother always told me I had to do 100 times better than a man. I had to work hard at maths, and learn four languages.
I don't make a career plan. I take things the way they come.
Revolutions just spread blood. Evolution - this is something that changes in the long term.
A real love story has to finish bad. That is what I think.
For me, who loves to draw and who loves to write and cannot choose between one or the other, the comic is the best form.
Cinema is a world of imagination.
I took three years of karate because of Bruce Lee, you know. I was a green belt.
As a director, you have to understand what is happening - if I don't understand it, you can't make changes.
This clash of the culture, East and the West, us and them, Muslim and Christian, does not exist.
I like to be sad once in a while. You need it for your equilibrium.
It's cinematographic to smoke. Imagine Lauren Bacall without a cigarette.
For me, drawing is a question of death and life. Every day I draw, I write, I do something.
I don't want to quit smoking. I am convinced that if I quit smoking, the world would go to hell.
I don't consider myself as a feminist but more a humanist.
'The Jungle Book.' It's one of the best animated films ever. I saw it when I was small at a cinema in Tehran.
I am very bad at computers. I don't really know how to write email.
I don't watch many comic-book movies. But I loved 'Sin City.'