Zynga made social gaming and play a worldwide phenomenon, and we remain the industry leader.
The more you can be self-aware and honest about yourself, the more you can cultivate that in other people.
My only agenda is, I would like to see mainstream America more empowered to set an agenda.
I need to aspire to be a great CEO and not just a great product engineer.
I think you're defined as a company by what you choose to do and what you choose not to do.
Clearly as you move to being a public company, probably even more than growth, there is a huge value based on predictability.
You are as good as your product. When you are used and loved by everyone, your brand equity is high. When you are not, you're not.
I seek out a lot of advice from other CEOs.
It's okay to be misunderstood - as long as you're not misunderstood by your consumers.
I've been good at product entrepreneuring.
You can manage 50 people through the strength of your personality and lack of sleep. You can touch them all in a week and make sure they're all pointed in the right direction.
In my early career, there were more negative lessons than positive ones. But I don't think I was looking for the positives enough.
Video games and outdoor sports - that was my childhood.
The strength of your company is how wide a variety of people can be successful in it.
I've grown a lot, and I'm learning every week.