You live this life being selfish, you're not going to enjoy it like you will when you open your heart and your home up.
My wife is the most loving person that you can ever imagine.
In an imperfect world, full of imperfect leaders, there are countless statues that may not live up to our American values.
The last thing we want is to make people think we're going back on our word.
I'm paying more taxes inside my company and personally than I'll ever receive from Congress.
The politicians said Dr. Tom Coburn couldn't deliver babies when he got elected to the U.S. Senate.
I think people's interpretation of a body slam is different than the techniques.
We've all lost our temper at some time. Unfortunately, not all of us have done it in a public setting.
You've got to quit judging people just because they have an 'R' or a 'D' in front of their name. We don't do that in Oklahoma.
Oklahoma has a respect for our neighbors. That's the Oklahoma standard.
I'm not for raising taxes on anyone - period.
I'm willing to negotiate, but not compromise my core principles.
The fundamentals that founded our great nation included the freedom of speech and religion.