I like to customize my tights by cutting them myself to create a stirrup or convert the look into a capri.
Ballet was just something that I always wanted to do.
Posture has such a big impact on the way people perceive you.
A calming place, where you can go to escape it all and just focus on your body, is so wonderful to have.
The key to building long muscle as you swim is stretching arms far ahead of you in the water, sort of like a swan.
I sometimes wash my face at night with Cetaphil, which I like because it's a really gentle face wash.
I'm from North Carolina, so I am really picky about my fried chicken.
I think most people don't need as much cardio as they think they do.
I'm very sensitive to salt. I always see and feel a big difference in my body when I eat it, so I try to consume salt in moderation.
I find that healthy eating makes me feel happier, stronger, and more confident.
All of the vintage photos of Ballets Russes are so inspiring.
Keep it simple. Layer your leotard with high waisted skinny jeans, legwarmers, and heels or high boots.
I live in my Ballet Beautiful street shoes.
Rather than thinking about what not to eat, I like to focus on what I can eat to look and feel my best.
A lot of people think the body is just about genetics, but the right approach can change its shape.
An all-white space has a purity that is refreshing and serene.
I love white linens and walls mixed with antique Victorian furniture.
My approach in general is to take really great care of my skin, but I try not to overdo it and not use too many crazy products.
Even if it's snowing or raining, I'm always wearing sunscreen.
There's no feeling like performing. It's magical, it's so rewarding, and it just feeds this special little part of your soul.
It's empowering to find a workout that builds strength and grace.
For ballet dancers, style is about melding personal expression with physical form.
A simple scoop-neck leotard highlights a ballerina's swanlike neck and elegant posture, both rooted in a powerful core.
Most of the time, even if I'm at home in my sweatpants, I probably have a pair of slippers on.
Stretching before and after every workout keeps muscles supple and helps elongate the lines of a ballerina's limbs.
It's not about having a perfectly sculpted figure; it's about feeling healthy, fit, and confident.