Future dreams distract you from present nightmares.
A year of contentment is worth more than ten of prosperity.
Light in your soul conquers the darkness in your world.
The higher the thoughts the greater the deeds.
When your inner light shines your outer world glows.
Love is the soul of the universe; joy is its heartbeat.
Life is a stage: perform your masterpiece.
Failure is disguised success.
Love is the master key that opens every blessings' door.
Unleash the potential that is in another and you unleash the potential that is in you.
Picking up the pieces of a shattered dream is better than having no pieces to pick up at all.
Today's tears are an investment into tomorrow's smiles.
Do what you master; master what you do.
Inner beauty magnifies outer beauty.
How can poverty be alleviated? When nobody eats until everyone eats at the same time.
A united army of sheep can defeat a divided army of wolves.
All play and no work make jack a poor boy.
All play and no work makes jack a poor boy.
Alone you are a warrior; together we are an army.
An ambitious amateur will rise above a complacent master.
An ambitious wolf will rise above a complacent lion.
An army is greater than a warrior.
Battling wolves today strengthens you for battling lions tomorrow.
Be like stars; instead of cursing the darkness, shine.
Be the light you wish to see in others.
Be the spouse you wish to have.
Be too great, like the sun, to retaliate when lesser men throw stones at you.
Beatings from a friend are better than kisses from an enemy.
Beautiful rainbows are formed in ugly storms.
Books are companions; choose your companions wisely.