Jon Tester had a chance to stop sanctuary cities, but he voted with them.
You know government needs a haircut. If we keep their spending down, that's more money in your pocket.
Jon Tester has been a loyal, loyal, reliable vote for Chuck Schumer.
Death should not be a taxable event.
Though I had been born in Maryland, Montana was where I truly belonged.
It is divisive politics to infringe upon the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens after a national tragedy.
When I was 20 years old, if you had a $100 bill and a good idea and a strong work ethic, you could start a company.
What I am is a principled conservative individual who believes in fiscal responsibility.
I don't believe that using inflammatory rhetoric on either side of a debate is productive.
I try to use and, furthermore, strive to focus on the actual facts surrounding and impacting any issue.
I'm ready to stand tall for freedom and get Washington out of our lives.
I mean business about standing with President Trump to make America great again.
What's good for America is great for Montana.
Jon Tester no longer can say that he supports the principles and values of the people of Montana.
I'll stand with President Trump and get tough on illegal immigration.
The people of Montana want to send me to Washington - not to bring home the bacon but to slaughter the hog.
The one thing that our nation is truly responsible for is securing the nation, make sure the citizens are safe.
Spying on our citizens? That's just wrong.
People understand that they can spend their money better than the government can.
Obamacare has made a mess of our health insurance and health care systems, and Washington politicians have failed to fix the problem.
Like most Montanans, I get pretty upset when I hear about waste.
Liberals from California to Washington are fighting President Trump on illegal immigration.
Jon Tester continues to tell Montanans one thing and then votes the other way when he's back in Washington D.C.
It certainly seems to me we would like to bring in the best and the brightest individuals here to participate in this republic.
I've worked the ranch. I've hauled sugar beets from the field.
I've made my career, made money in real estate and real estate development.