You can't die from going to the stadium to see a soccer match.
With nice words, we never obtained anything.
With my german and austrian colleagues... We will propose a new (immigration) initiative.
We will go to Europe to change the rules that have impoverished Italians.
We want to give a voice to all the good people of the South.
We need to review treaties to make them reflect our national interest.
We need to put Italian interests before those of the European Union, or at least at the same level.
We need to increase deportations.
We need to defend the fruits of our land.
We need to adopt a new currency. It doesn't matter what or how we call it - lira, sterling, Roman sesterce.
We need deportation centres.
We need a mass cleansing, street by street, piazza by piazza, neighbourhood by neighbourhood.
We have created a ministry of the family to work on fertility, nurseries, on a fiscal system which takes large families into account.
We don't need a strongman. But we need a strong country that is not subordinate to Europe.
We do not accept lessons on rights or humanity from Mr. Macron.
Italy no longer wants to be a servant to silly rules.
No one will ever manage to convince me that the Fornero law is right and should not be changed.
I don't have to justify myself every time I go to Israel.
Everyone who votes for us will know that a Northern League government would get rid of the euro and move back to a national currency.
Let's take back our currency; then we can discuss at what conditions we can stay in the E.U.
There's water on Mars, and there's life beyond Brussels.
Long live sausage! Long live salami! Long live pork, coppa, and pancetta!
I want to change Italy and get the economy back on track.
Renzi is a pawn. Renzi is a dumb slave at the disposal of nameless people who want to control all of our lives from Brussels.
In my opinion, Islam is an outdated religion. It's not modern. And therefore, there's too much space for violence.
We are under attack. Our culture, society, traditions, and way of life are at risk.
Centuries of history risk disappearing if Islamization, which up until now has been underestimated, gains the upper hand.
Islamic extremism is the prime enemy of civil society and social peace, both in Italy and in Israel.