I've been a fighter all my life. I just don't look like that.
Every day that goes by when they're not touching base with their constituents is not a good thing.
Women are socialized to be very nice and put up with a lot of things.
The Trump administration gives me so many more opportunities to be verbal and vocal.
Blue slips enable home-state senators to ensure that the federal judges serving in their states are highly qualified.
To me, Stephen Miller is like Iago whispering in the president's ear, along with John Kelly. These people are totally anti-immigrant.
At a pretty young age, I wanted to do something with my life that would help people. I've been that way for quite a while.
We work really hard to get elected.
Graham-Cassidy treats health care as a commodity that can be bought and sold.
As I walk to my office every morning, I know I stand on the shoulders of those who came before me.
Protecting Medicare and Social Security, health care, workers' rights, and a woman's right to choose remain top priorities for me.
Going through economic hard times is something I know firsthand.
I am a woman, I am a minority person, and I speak in a very plain way. And I think that reaches people.
It was a tipping point for us to step up, I had a release prepared.
It is amazing how our natural areas can change over our lifetimes.
No one should have to worry about whether they can afford the health care that one day might save their life.
Claims of anti-conservative bias in the tech industry are baseless.
It certainly should cover the three credible reports that have come forward, and it has to be complete.
We should all be treating each other like human beings.
If I had to wait around for somebody to pick me for lieutenant governor, I never would have been picked.
I was born at home in rural Japan.
I know our country can remain forward-thinking by ensuring young women and minorities are given equal opportunity.
Running for office is not easy. It's not enough to want it.
It's worth remembering that immigrants come to this country to work, they don't come to get handouts.
My husband is half Korean.