I have no problem with how people communicate. But I think it's important... For everyone to be open to learn sign language.
I ride my motorcycle with my dad, I hang out with my sisters.
I don't really like fashion.
I love to read. My favorite book series is 'Cherubs'.
I always wanted to be a cop or a fireman or do something dangerous.
When I lost my hearing, my mom got a deaf mentor to come into the home.
One of my favorite movies is 'Paper Moon.'
I want to study philosophy. That fascinates me.
We have a wonderful world. I feel very lucky to be in it.
Growing up, I never thought about becoming an actress because I never saw deaf people in TV or movies. I didn't think it was possible.
I don't use my voice a lot in public.
I think signing gave 'A Quiet Place' a unique quality. I think sign language is represented as beautiful and helpful.
I'd like to meet more people and gain more experiences and travel.
A lot of people say the middle child is the most adventurous. That's me!
But I was always comedic and would tell stories and use a lot of expressions.
To really understand a deaf person's experience, you need someone that is deaf to be able to tell you what their experience is.
In third or fourth grade, I loved to sign stories and monologues.
New York is my favorite city. I would love to move there one day.
I was very shy. I didn't really hang around with hearing people very much. Mostly I had deaf friends.