You have to understand who your customer is and her motivations and marry it to what's happening in the outside world.
There's a pure and simple business case for diversity Companies that are more diverse are more successful.
I've always been a risk taker; I've never believed in following the expected path.
I'm a love-it-or-hate-it person. I don't waffle.
What creates success on HSN is great product, a great story and a great storyteller.
As women, we can over-think things so much that we silence our intuition and only focus on the reasons something won't work.
Command-and-control isn't the kind of corporate culture people want to be in anymore.
I believe that if you don't disrupt yourself, you will be disrupted by someone else.
I'm willing to lose profits in the short term.
We need more enlightened women in senior ranks, and we have to insist that companies are more diverse.
Ultimately, the ability to inspire people to live healthier and happier lives is what excites me both personally and professionally.
I don't care what we're quote-unquote selling; we're about inspiring people through storytelling.
My parents were like, 'Oh my God,' when I said I was going into fashion - they pictured me with a rolling rack on Seventh Avenue.
I get as excited walking around a CVS as I do walking around in Bergdorf's.
I am thrilled to join Weight Watchers and lead the next phase of the company's transformation.
What I've been saying to people is, you need to think about mobile as your new flagship. It's the place everybody goes to first.
We are continuing to collaborate with Disney on future films and other opportunities.
At HSN, entertainment has quickly become a core part of who we are and is a key differentiator from others in the retail landscape.
Everybody is talking about cord cutting. It's not about the cord. It's the content.
If you are not diverse, you are saying, 'I don't want to be successful.'
I never want anything to be too predictable.
The proof is in the results, and the proof will be in the ongoing ability to execute.
If you think about a business where uncertainty is an anathema, it's around consumer spending, and it's around retail.
Our ability to create that one-on-one engagement with a customer is a point of differentiation and a strategic advantage for us.
We really see the future of what we call 'distributed commerce,' so how we get our content, our products, and our brands to consumers.