Don't hold on to the barre like, 'I might die.' It's just ballet.
I think I'm pretty laid back. I like cooking, being at home, and going to concerts. And I love to shop!
The classical ballet world is so exclusive and small, and a lot of people don't know about it.
I think that the ideal physique and look of a ballerina is always changing with different eras. And it's continuing to change.
I think, as a child, there weren't dreams. I can't recall as a child having some ultimate dream and thinking that it was possible.
My favorite role of all? Whatever I'm working on in the moment.
You have to be the one promoting yourself. If you don't think that you're worthy, you're never going to make it.
Every time I step onto the stage, it's not only proving to the audience that I'm capable but to myself.
I know that I'm talented, and I know that I'm not in American Ballet Theater because I'm black - I'm here because I'm a gifted dancer.
The ballet world I don't think is an art form that is quick to change or to adjust or evolve.
I think I get almost every piece of clothing that I buy altered and taken in just to fit me exactly the way it should.
When I was dancing, I felt in control and happy. I'm a Virgo, so I really like to be in control.
Be strong, be fearless, be beautiful. And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.
I was on a path. I was going to become a principal dancer. I never let my mind rest.
Finding ballet was like finding this missing piece of myself.
My curves became an integral part of who I am as a dancer, not something I needed to lose to become one.
I had always been proud of my body - its strength and grace enabled me to pursue my passions.
At least in my performances, the audience has become so diverse in a way that I don't think ballet has ever experienced.
Ballet was this thing that just felt so innate in me, like I was meant to be doing this.
Before dance came into my life, I don't really remember having any major goals or dreams of wanting to be anything.
If I'm put in a situation where I am not really sure what's going to happen, it can be overwhelming. I get a bit anxious.
Perseverance has always just been something that was in me. And it was a tool that came in very handy as a ballerina.
More often than we realize, people see in us what we don't see in ourselves.
I was definitely a late bloomer and didn't really come into my own until I was probably in my 20s.
Dance kind of was always just a part of my natural state as a child. It's something that, whenever music was playing, I was dancing.
I don't eat a ton of pasta or bread. But I eat dessert almost every night, and I drink. You need a bit of balance, and I've found mine.
My childhood is a part of my story, and it's why I'm who I am today and why my career is what it is.
I want to bring awareness to the lack of diversity in ballet, and feel like that's a large part of my purpose.
Though I have tremendous support from lots of people, there are so many others waiting to tear me down.
I've gotten nothing but warmth from the Black community and positive feedback.