Sanctions are a bad idea.
I have, as you know, the utmost respect for President Obama as a person.
If you bet on individuals instead of the people, you are going to fail.
Nobody wants any country to have nuclear weapons.
If a country is suspected of going nuclear, you need to understand why. Why does it feel insecure?
What I see in the Arab world, in Egypt, everywhere is increasing radicalization.
Egypt under Hosni Mubarak had deteriorated to the status of a failed state. We must wipe the slate clean and start again.
My conscience does not permit me to run for the presidency or any other official position unless it is within a democratic framework.
Democracy is not an instant coffee.
I think people are distrustful of politicians and are looking for someone who is telling the truth with no hidden agenda.
Challenging the integrity of the non-proliferation regime is a matter which can affect international peace and security.
The time is right for a political solution and the way is negotiations.
The U.S. Is not the holder of truth.
Even with the best intentions, you can have a nuclear war, a nuclear holocaust, through miscalculation, through accidents.
Threat is in the eye of the beholder.
I think we still have a chance if we continue with our work, if Iraq provides full cooperation, we should still be able to avoid a war.
I think one country with nuclear weapons is one country too many.
Unilateral preemption should not in any way be the model for how we conduct international relations.
My father taught me that you have to stand by your principles.
How can you run for president if you don't know the job description?
All I know is, I think I would like to continue to do public service.
You either have a civil society or you don't.
We still live in a world where if you have nuclear weapons, you are buying power; you are buying insurance against attack.
If you have nothing to hide, there is no reason not to be transparent.
It is going to take a long time to switch Egypt into a democracy.
I cannot bear the responsibility for one drop of blood.