You can't be 16 forever.
When you say you're 40, you can't call yourself an ingenue any more.
When I was turning 40, I felt that there were no books out there that hit the spot in terms of what I wanted to read.
Until something comes along to replace it, I think it's firmly entrenched in movie classic history.
There is an innocence about 'the breakfast club' that I think is maybe not quite there anymore for high school kids.
She felt that I had too many expectations on her, it was this incredible moment where I realized I was the parent.
People feel like they grew up with me.
Originally I considered myself a singer.
John Hughes had such a huge impact on filmmaking.
In life, there is always that special person who shapes who you are, who helps to determine the person you become.
I've been called the Women's Auxiliary of the Brat Pack.
I'm so associated with being young and being with a teenager.
I wish I had been more prepared, both for success and for failure, when I was younger.
I think when people hear about a celebrity writing a book of any kind, the assumption is that it was dictated to a ghostwriter.
I never really felt like I belonged in California.
I never felt terribly comfortable in the public eye.