Forests are the elixir of life.
The game I love to play : keep the ball equidistant from bruno and roxy.
My government is as pure as belgium glass ... Naveen patnaik.
To include the term ahimsa in the preamble of the indian constitution.
There is a great deal of reward when you do good work and people see how successful that work is and the happiness it brings to them.
When I took over in 2000, Odisha was in a terrible financial state due to various policies, some of them unpopular.
I think everyone should be concerned about people's sensitivities and feelings.
I do think a healthy opposition is very necessary in a democracy.
We are a regional party, and our interests are for the people of Odisha.
We prefer to be isolated in Odisha. That is a policy of equidistance, and going it alone has served us well in the past.
I am quite fluent in Odiya. I understand the people of Odisha, and they understand me.
My interest as a regional party is to support, or try and support, whichever party fulfils the aspirations of Odisha.
Modi doesn't seem to be interested in Odisha. I certainly feel that.
Vajpayee had a much bigger stature than Mr Modi. He knew how to run a coalition government very successfully.
My main aim is poverty reduction in the state.
The people of Odisha know who fulfils promises and who does not. We believe in works and not in words.
The love and affection of the people of Odisha continues to inspire me every day.
The JD, as a party, is dead.
The government of Odisha believes in constructive cooperation with the Centre.
The four and half crore of people in Odisha are my family, and I will serve them till the last breath.
The Beatles were here in the 1960s, with their wives, at the Maharshi's ashram. And they wanted my advice on various matters in India.
The aim of my government is to set up an industrial park at Dhamra. It will bring more investments to the state.
Sometimes the energy of the crowd also catches on to you.
Rising fuel prices, growing agrarian distress, and unemployment are the three major issues to dominate the 2019 general elections.
Personally, I have never considered myself corrupt or seen the need to be so. People are judged as what they are perceived to be.
Our government has been pro-poor, progressive, and people-oriented.
Orissa is cursed by the two tragic extremes of drought and famine.
One should do what is good for the country.
Odisha is a peaceful state; the people will not stand for violence in a democracy.