Our cooperation in the security and economic fields reinforce each other, and they must be advanced simultaneously.
Freedom, respect and prosperity are never served on a plate.
It is not justice when you beat someone after tying their hands, but award a clean chit to another who openly confesses his crimes.
No force, oppression, imprisonment, jail... Nothing will stop me.
Only those who vote politicians into power have the right to depose them.
I had a very good relationship with President Bill Clinton when I was prime minister.
Across the board accountability is necessary for the solidarity, integrity and prosperity of pakistan.
I think I have a good rapport with the American government.
I've done many rallies and it's been super-charged, highly charged. People are very receptive.
Pakistan is resolved to redeem its pledge given to its founding fathers that it will protect the homeland.
Friendship with china is the cornerstone of pakistan's foreign policy.
We will take revenge for each and every drop of our children's blood that was spilt today.
India and Pakistan should fight only in the field of economy.
The Constitution has to be supreme.
We have to make sure we tread the right path, pursue the right policies - and not make any mistakes.
Terrorism and the fight against extremism is our fight.
Our commitment for the cause of Pakistan is based on honesty.
We want to strengthen democracy.
Look, the people will elect the government they think best.
Our self-respect does not have a price tag.
Despite seeing the bars of prison in front of my eyes, I am going to pakistan.
I believe that God and the people of Pakistan are with me, and I hope that, somewhere, justice is still alive.
The people will demand answers from all the dictators and the people who have not allowed this country to function.
Investment comes to a halt in a country where sit-ins and protest rallies lead to political chaos.
I don't have a problem with anybody or with any institution.