My family have a long story of service to our country.
To engage all sides of Parliament in a common national cause is not unpatriotic.
The idea that the British carried out hundreds of war crimes in Iraq is, of course, utterly without foundation and grossly unfair.
As Churchill's grandson, I am in daily receipt of vile correspondence from people telling me that I am a traitor to his memory.
Schengen cannot survive without the most dramatic reform, and the external borders of Europe must be rapidly strengthened.
When you have a general election result you don't like, you don't have another general election.
If you ask a soldier what is the key to this confidence, they will likely answer their discipline and their training.
My job is to be an MP. It's not just about Europe.
I think this country is genuinely a meritocracy.
I'm not going to pretend to be anything I'm not.
I hope that 'Remain' will carry the day, just on the grounds of common sense.
This country has always led from the front and it should continue to do so.
To be dubbed by my sovereign is an absolutely wonderful honour for me and my family.
To work for the good of our country is not a shallow thing.
We must find a credible route through Brexit to build a better country and go forward together.
Winston Churchill was like Winston Churchill because of his experiences in life.
It's not an idle boast that the British Army is, man for man, probably the best fighting force in the world.
Boris Johnson's experience in life is telling a lot of porkies about the European Union in Brussels and then becoming prime minister.
When you are choosing an MP you need to choose the person who is pretty much likely to be the best representative for your area.
The whole social media can destroy people overnight.
Churchill's career was littered with oratorical disasters when he misjudged the audience.
I think to leave Europe would be a threat on the one hand to our economic security and on the other our national security.