However poor the elephant, it will be worth more than ten frogs.
Voluntary work is better than slavery.
Warm water never forgets that it was once cold.
A friendly person is never a good-for-nothing.
If crocodiles eat their own eggs, what would they do to the flesh of a frog?
One goat cannot carry another goat's tail.
If the bull would throw you, lie down.
If you want to give a sick man medicine, let him first be really ill - so that he can see how well the medicine works.
Choose your fellow traveller before you start on your journey.
A traveler to distant places should make no enemies.
The blind say that eyes have no sense of smell.
If you have run out of gunpowder, use your gun as a club.
The well gives, but the bucket refuses.
Guilt is like the footprint of a hippopotamus.
The whip hits at the legs, not the guilt.
Ugliness with a good character is better than beauty.
The woman is cold water that kills you; deep water that you drown in.
The stone in the water does not know how hot the hill is, parched by the sun.
The stars shine brightest when the moon is gone.
The river may dry up but she keeps her name.
The rat cannot call the cat to account.
The quarrel that doesn't concern you is pleasant to hear about.
The only insurance against fire is to have two houses.
The one-eyed man thanks god only when he sees a man blind in both eyes.
The one being carried does not realize how far away the town is.
The man being carried does not realize how far away the town really is.