'Victory Lap,' even the title. It's the accumulation of trial and error; that's what I represent; trial and error.
A solution built by an artist serves the artist more than the solution the capitalist comes up with.
Being self-made means never making an excuse as to why you can't take steps toward whatever your goal is.
Doing music to pay bills is an uncomfortable situation. I never wanted to be in that situation.
Even as you make progress, you need the discipline to keep from backtracking and sabotaging the success as it's happening.
From the beginning of my rap career, since I was seen and heard, I always had a store.
I always wanted to operate at the highest altitude, just in terms of hip-hop and the music.
I believe that we should own the fruits of our labor and the assets of our creations.
I hope my story inspires everyone out there to keep hustling and chasing their dreams.
I seen a lot of artists be hot for a minute, and then that's it, and somebody else come in.
Being self-made means never making an excuse as to why you can't take steps toward whatever your goal is.
I want to thank my Eritrean fans for feeling connected to me and for supporting me. I feel extremely grateful.