"Long ago" did not live long ago.
Away from the eye, away from the mind.
Care now, be cared for later.
Do good and throw it in the sea.
Do good if you expect to receive it.
Do not drink from a well and throw a stone into it.
Do not drink poison to quench a thirst.
Don't just cross a river - cross it bearing fire!
Every eye has its look.
Every sheep is hung by its own leg.
Far from grave, no praying.
Go with the powerful and people will kneel before you.
If you feed the mouth, the eye becomes shy.
If you sit at a crossroads, you will get sick.
Nobody will plough the land except its cows.
One thumb alone does not kill a louse.
Pride is the mask of our sins.
Sell what you have bought while the dust is still on your shoes.
The eye does not get over the eyebrow.
The eye is the one that eats.
The eye of a master does more work than both his hands.
The eye will often wander the road that love has taught.
The heart is a tree; it grows where it wants.
The house is our father's and the strangers came to kick us out.
Whatever man had done, man may do.
You will not dare mistreat the face you see in the morning.