"That smells bad," said the cat about meat that it cannot reach.
A bad wound heals but a bad word doesn't.
A beggar will always be a beggar even if they give him the whole world as a gift.
A blind man who sees is better than a sighted man who is blind.
A blind person who sees is better than a seeing person who is blind.
A broken hand works, but not a broken heart.
A broken sleeve holdeth the arm back.
A camel does not drink with a spoon.
A child is a bridge to heaven.
A coquettish woman is like a shadow - as you chase her she runs away, and if you run away, she chases after you.
A dog by your side is better than a brother miles away.
A friend is a poem.
A friend is like a poem.
A gentle hand may lead even an elephant by a single hair.
A greedy man is always poor.
An arrow can be pulled out of a wound, but a hurtful word stays forever in your heart.
As soon as a man gets new trousers, he thinks about a new wife.
As the wise man looks for a bridge the fool crosses the river.
Bravery without foresight is like a blind horse.
Bribery makes both parties happy.
Courtesy on one side can never last long.
Credit is better than wealth.
Debts are like women, once you have them you can't get rid of them.
Do little things now; so shall big things come to thee by and by asking to be done.
Do not use words that are too big for your mouth.
Do well the little things now; so shall great things come to thee by and by asking to be done.
Don't just take love, experience it.
Doubt makes the mountain which faith can move.
Draw not thy bow before thy arrow be fixed.
Drawn wells have sweetest water.