3D printing will massively reduce the cost of certain products as the cost of labor is removed.
With faster Internet and better computers, you'd better believe we're creating and consuming more digital data.
The automotive X Prize, to a great degree, is focused on addressing petroleum usage and carbon emissions.
Because it's cheaper and easier to fly than ever before, air travel is becoming democratized.
If you're the CEO of a publicly traded company, you're worried about quarterly returns.
My childhood dreams were focused on being part of the effort to make humanity a multiplanetary species.
I founded a launch company called International Microspace when I graduated medical school in 1989. We were trying to build a microsatellite launcher.
Every second of every day, our senses bring in way too much data than we can possibly process in our brains.
My father, who grew up picking olives on the Greek island of Lesbos, was a doctor. So my family expected me to become a physician.
If you have a fear of flying, don't. The data are very clear If you have to travel someplace, the safest way is by airplane.
We know from hard research that educated populations have lower growth rates, are more peaceful, and add to the global economy.
My childhood dreams were focused on being part of the effort to make humanity a multiplanetary species.
The automotive X Prize, to a great degree, is focused on addressing petroleum usage and carbon emissions.
Your chances of dying a violent death are 1/500th of what they used to be during medieval times.
If the idea is really new and unique and big, other people will all think it is bad and is going to fail.
3D printing will massively reduce the cost of certain products as the cost of labor is removed.