Comments are my main way to communicate with you bros.
Everyone has played video games at some point these days, and video games are fun.
I don't do interviews.
I just want to connect with you bros. That's all I care about, because you bros' support really means everything to me.
I just want to entertain; that is my main objective and what comes before everything else.
I make funny videos of me playing video games, and I share those moments.
I often get recognized on the street.
I'd like to help other YouTubers.
I'm not out to max my income. I think my viewers would call me on that right away if I did.
I'm so central to YouTube now, and that puts me in the spotlight and raises a lot of questions like, 'Why is he so big?'
It was so much easier to connect with my fans when I was smaller. I could answer every message, and I enjoyed doing that.
My parents said that sitting at home playing video games all day won't bring you anywhere in life.
The fact that Disney bought Maker Studios doesn't really change anything for me.
What I and other YouTubers do is a very different thing; it's almost like hanging around and watching your pal play games.
When there's just so many games out there to play, Nintendo games just went to the bottom of that list.