We will continue to invest in high-growth areas... With a particular focus on digital, cloud, and security services.
We are proactively training and upscaling thousands of people in key areas such as cloud, artificial intelligence, and robotics.
At Accenture, we are visibile, and I feel when you are visible - when people are watching you - you need to speak up.
Our clients value our independence as the leading partner of both the established providers and emerging players.
Increasingly, the work we do is enabled more and more by new IT, including automation, robotics, and intelligent platforms.
Accenture Interactive is working with many of the world's leading brands to transform the customer experience.
Do you want an interesting job? Yes. Do you want a balanced life? Yes. And to make a contribution as well? Of course.
As traditional job descriptions become obsolete, people will need to collaborate in new ways with increasingly intelligent machines.
Increasingly, we are embedding artificial intelligence into the core of our clients' businesses across every function and process.
Responsible employers who pursue bold growth agendas must embrace intelligent technologies.
Businesses that make consumer privacy a point of competitive differentiation will enjoy greater customer loyalty.
Increasingly, the work we do is enabled more and more by new IT, including automation, robotics, and intelligent platforms.
Increasingly, we are embedding artificial intelligence into the core of our clients' businesses across every function and process.
Our clients value our independence as the leading partner of both the established providers and emerging players.
Responsible employers who pursue bold growth agendas must embrace intelligent technologies.
We are proactively training and upscaling thousands of people in key areas such as cloud, artificial intelligence, and robotics.
We will continue to invest in high-growth areas... With a particular focus on digital, cloud, and security services.