I'm not lost, they just moved my street.
Well, love is confusing at all ages, but especially when you're 17.
That's what I think we're all looking for - an honest love wherever you can find it.
There's no changing your mind about whom you love. That's part of the tough thing about being in love - it's sort of undeniable.
Well, usually when I finish one character, I'm looking for a role that's really different.
What I'd really like to do is do a film or two a year and then do theater in New York the rest of the year.
I've never been one for sitting on beaches.
I really like to just jump in a truck with your backpack and just drive and go somewhere.
It's like a blind turn on a highway You can't see what's coming, so you don't really know how to prepare.
I got lost a lot, and I was a really bad waitress... I got lost on the subway.
I can only pay my electric bill for my last two years on my acting.
I went to college in Ohio, at Ohio University, and I graduated two years ago.
So I started to learn guitar right away.
In Wales, it's eight different weathers in a day.
In Texas it's always hot, dry, sunny, not a cloud in the sky.
So it was just funny to read a script that was just similar to what had been going on in my life.