'He means well' is useless unless he does well.
A contented mind is the best source for trouble.
A mouse does not rely on just one hole.
A mouse never entrusts his life to only one hole.
All men love themselves.
Always bring money along with your complaints.
Bad conduct soils the finest ornament more than filth.
Conquered, we conquer.
Courage easily finds its own eloquence.
Courage in danger is half the battle.
Courage is its own reward.
Courage is to take hard knocks like a man when occasion calls.
Courage is what preserves our liberty, safety, life, and our homes and parents, our country and children. Courage comprises all things.
Every man, however wise, needs the advice of some sagacious friend in the affairs of life.
Flight without feathers is not easy.
The day, water, sun, moon, night - I do not have to purchase these things with money.
Wisdom is not attained by years, but by ability.
The poor man who enters into a partnership with one who is rich makes a risky venture.
If you are content, you have enough to live comfortably.
For nobody is curious, who isn't malevolent.
Things we do not expect, happen more frequently than we wish.
No guest is so welcome in a friend's house that he will not become a nuisance after three days.
Good courage in a bad affair is half of the evil overcome.
Man is not man, but a wolf to those he does not know.
He whom the gods love dies young, while he is in health, has his senses and his judgments sound.
No one can be so welcome a guest that he will not annoy his host after three days.