We are a global power, active and responsible on the world stage. This will never change.
We are not some small landlocked European country who needs the E.U. To make decisions for us or protect us from competition.
The Single Market and Customs Union is not a true 'free' market. It is designed to suit the E.U. Insiders, not the U.K.
When it's well managed, migration works in the national interest, for our communities, economy and country.
My father set up his first business in the 1970s so that he could support his family.
Our police officers are on the front line of a battle to maintain control of our streets.
For too long, our nation has relied on low interest rates rather than undertaking the necessary long term necessary economic reforms.
With a true Brexiteer at the helm, Parliament will have to start reflecting public opinion rather than flying in the face of it.
Crime and violence are a threat to the freedom and liberty people should enjoy and to our orderly way of life.
In a world of serious threats, Britain stands tall, saving lives and building a more prosperous, stable future for all.
In times of crisis, the world looks to Britain not just for our work on the ground, but also for our leadership.
Instead of embracing change, the E.U.'s precautionary principle has held back progress.
London is the only true global capital market in Europe and E.U. Companies still need access our large liquid markets.
My father set up his first business in the 1970s so that he could support his family.
Once we leave the E.U., we will be able to slash the £600 million of costs of Brussels bureaucracy that hold back our businesses.
Our aid budget has a crucial role to play in shaping the world according to our universal values of democracy, enterprise and justice.
Our police officers are on the front line of a battle to maintain control of our streets.
Since the start of the Thatcher economic and fiscal reforms the U.K. Economy has expanded five-fold.
The ability to control our borders stands at the heart of the debate on whether or not Britain should leave the European Union.