You see, I don't draw from life at all, but I do look out of my window a lot.
With my pictures, what I hope is that it encourages the reader to imagine more pictures of his own.
The hateful thing about most hotels nowadays is that they only have duvets. I hate duvets.
Sometimes people think drawing and painting is mucking about when actually it is a highly skilled activity.
Sometimes I think people get into trouble because they can't say what they want to.
It was an accident of circumstance that I never married.
Inspiration is some mysterious blessing which happens when the wheels are turning smoothly.
If you want to read and you want to draw, that helps you to express yourself.
I'm trained as a teacher; that's the only thing I've got a certificate for.
I love the sea, but I avoid any sort of seaside resort that has skyscrapers or seaside entertainments.
I have an assistant who's very good at email, so I don't struggle with it.
I draw every day - unless I'm being interviewed.
I don't feel as if I belong to an age group.
I do like children, but only as people. Not as if they're a special category.
Guinea pigs are quite difficult to draw, I think, because they're so furry.