I tell people I won't vote to go to war unless I'm ready to go or send my kids.
Income inequality is worse in towns run by Democrat mayors than in towns run by Republican mayors.
Do you hate poor people or do you just hate poor people with jobs?
We need to notice and be aware of the injustices embedded in our criminal system.
I'm not in favor of any discrimination of any form.
No Republican questions or disputes civil rights. I have never wavered in my support for civil rights or the civil rights act.
It is illegal for the CIA to spy on Americans and an affront to our Republic to spy on the Senate.
We live in a democracy, and people are free to sometimes choose the wrong leader.
You don't win as a party unless you become a bigger party.
We should revoke passports from any Americans or dual citizens who are fighting with ISIS.
I was elected to the Senate in 2010 by people worried about our country, worried about our kids and their future.
You can't solve a dignity problem with military force.
America is a world leader, but we should not be its policeman or ATM.
Freedom is popular. Bring it on.
The real debate is, when does life begin? When life begins, it deserves protection.
What America needs is not just another politician or more promises. What America needs is a revival.
We've gone too far in thinking we can re-create an American democratic paradise in the Middle East.
We woke up one day, and Pakistan had nuclear weapons.
We still need to be conscious of the fact that Russia has intercontinental ballistic missiles.
We should not have the U.S. Government buying stock in American industries - the financial industry or any other industry.
We should not have drug laws or a court system that disproportionately punishes the black community.
We don't need bigger government. We need to shrink the size of government.
We do not project power from bankruptcy court. We're borrowing a million dollars a minute. It's got to stop somewhere.
We as Republicans have taken the easy way out a lot of times.
Was anybody else bothered by the sight of mine-resistant vehicles and guns pointed at unarmed men in Ferguson?
Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine is a gross violation of that nation's sovereignty and an affront to the international community.
Under Obamacare, it virtually is impossible to find out the price of anything. That's not the way to make health care affordable.