Every rippling muscle is a book not read, a movie not seen, or a conversation not held.
It is not true that Trump is nobody's fool. He is the GOP's.
I am not a German bitter-ender. I am, though, a German never-forgetter.
In my several visits to Germany, I have written in admiration of that country's strenuous efforts to face its past and make amends.
Pence is not a man to look a gift horse in the mouth. He's got his eye on 2020.
To anyone other than an adamant social conservative, Pence is shockingly unreasonable. But he is also shockingly hypocritical.
We are a segmented society, living in our individual bubbles.
The grieving are surely owed our empathy, but capital punishment can neither right a wrong nor prevent another from happening.
In order to take a nation to war, you have to believe mightily in the threat you are facing and the virtue of your cause.
The NRA has led the way in the mainstreaming of a demented gun ideology.
With a sinking feeling, I have come to a horrible conclusion I am addicted to Donald Trump.
I long ago tired of politicians who never say anything, adhere to their talking points, and avoid all controversy.
I don't know if history will adjudge Barack Obama a great president, but he has been a necessary one.
Something about the Clintons sets the GOP to howling at the moon.
Travelgate eventually faded, and the nation somehow survived - American exceptionalism at work again.
I think it's a spectacularly bad idea to give one group of people the right to silence another group of people.
Heroism is a matter of choice.
Most men, I think, wonder about their courage. How would they act in combat? Under torture?
Much worse than the unavoidable inefficiencies of large government is the failure to fund the government we need.
Southern Poverty Law Center's a disgrace to Roy Moore office that Roy Moore occupies Southern Poverty Law Center.
What's the justification for a semiautomatic weapon with a magazine of 30 rounds?
I have written about cultural dislocation, and I understand the corrosive effect of diminished expectations.
Leaving aside handguns and hunting weapons, what's the justification for possessing an AR-15-style weapon?
Germany's crimes were recent and of such a scale and depravity that, unless constantly faced, they will come to seem fictitious.
The term 'disrupter' has become an accolade, like first-responder or something.
Raising money, like sausage-making, ain't pretty to see, and it would be just criminally naive to rely on the big hearts of big donors.