You get to really master the emotion of humility as a Chiefs fan.
I love to play it. I think it's funny. It's always been funny to me. Somebody who's large and in charge but totally wrong-headed.
For the most part, I keep playing big knuckleheads who are like bulls in a china shop.
I have performed for the troops... In Iraq! They loved it! I loved it... It's all good!
I remember watching Eddie Murphy's stand-up act when I was little, and just being mesmerized.
Guy's guys are of course welcome! But my audience runs the spectrum of humanity. There's something for everyone!
I don't mind it so much if I get type cast as an authority figure. I get to do comedy no matter what it is, so it doesn't bother me.
I knew I wanted to try comedy and acting. Even if I failed, at least I would have tried. It's better than never having tried.
I am one of those guys that's an optimist. I am always optimistic. I don't know how you can be any other way.
Look, here's the deal The Chiefs' fate and the Royals' fate, that's my fate.
As a comedian, I'm always quoting 'Caddyshack' and 'Dumb and Dumber.'
I need a coffee, I'm a cold coffee guy. That's how I do.
It's definitely fun to play something you're not, which is always a good time.
In high school, I was voted 'Most Humorous' in my senior class.
Honestly, you could beat me, torture me - just don't bore me.