I like me food. I also don't like me exercising. It's something me don't do very well. But it's something I've got to get into.
I've had to make friends with an awful lot of bad fashion choices.
I'm conscious of age, but I'm more suspicious of it than anything.
People change. I wouldn't like to be accountable for the interviews I've done, or the person I was when I was 20, 21.
I like listening to good music - and I can't stop playing my album.
I've never, ever, raised a fist to anybody in my life.
I have only one ambition, which is to be famous.
I'm quite obviously not the world's most handsome man - I'm the second world's most handsome man!
The entertainment industry and my place in it is a place where you burn brightly for as long as you can.
Perhaps I'm absolutely bonkers and don't know it. Perhaps I'm psychotically mental.
I think there are ghosts. I haven't seen or heard anything. I've definitely felt something, but it's not scary.
I can do anything I want to do really, I might as well.
In Los Angeles, I feel connected to a hubbub of strangeness. And I enjoy that; I like strangeness.
It's success, not fame, that is quite addictive. I'm addicted to a lot of things and, as it happens, success is one of them.
I show off - I'm a very good show off. It's what I do, it's what I'm good at.
I'm quite open to the fact that I might be a tinfoil-hat freak.
I'm not educated. I left school when I was 16, with no qualifications.
I did the rock 'n roll-pop cliche of getting burnt out. I'm not the first person that happened to, and I'm sure I won't be the last.
I'm a born entertainer. When I open the fridge door and the light goes on, I burst into song.
I enjoy nakedness. I am a bit of a naturist at heart.
I refuse to totally grow up. I've always been someone who says and does things that push politically correct boundaries.
I like to be comfortable, but I do enjoy being a British gent and dressing up a bit.
You know, I am a mainstream person with mainstream tastes, and I want to hear the hits.
I am not as bad as people would suggest. Not as good as I would like to be.