You don't eat before your troops eat, and you don't ask your troops to do anything you won't do, too.
What we bring to the table is not only our 56 field offices in the United States and our number of resident agencies, but also we have 45 legal attaches overseas.
What I'm saying is, my objective and goal is to get as much as I can of the information to Congress and the public.
We need to take lessons learned from fighting terrorism and apply them to cyber crime.
We had to address information technology in the ways we had not before and give the agents the tools that they need to do their job more efficiently and more expeditiously.
We cannot turn back the clock. We cannot undo the impact of technology. Nor would we want to.
They started by asking if I worked for the Russian government, and I straight up said no.
There'll be differences of opinion in just about every intelligence analysis that you make.
The Special Counsel and his staff failed in their duty to act as prosecutors and only as prosecutors.
The FBI's principal priority right now is protecting the United States against another terrorist attack.
The collapse of Enron was devastating to tens of thousands of people and shook the public's confidence in corporate America.
I think around the world, our agents are the best collectors of information you'll find.
I'm going to get a very strong briefing on it. I'll see. But it seems to me to be very unfair, it's called freedom of speech.
I've been fully briefed on the investigation and I look forward to Director Mueller delivering the final report.
If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime we would have said so.
In conclusion, it is my hope that this report will be made public, with a few redactions.
In order to be successful against each of these threats, we have to have a presence overseas, work closely not only with our counterparts in the law enforcement community, but also with the intelligence community.
It wasn't a single attempt, they're doing it as we sit here. And they expect to do it during the next campaign.
It's because we need to determine who in this country is poised, positioned to commit terrorist acts.
It's important the office's written work speaks for itself, the report is my testimony.