After thirty years of being 'the camel lady,' believe me One becomes inured to the spotlight.
As we've lost this idea of pilgrimage, we've lost this idea of human beings walking for a very, very long time. It does change you.
At the age of 25, I gave up my study of Japanese language and culture at university in Brisbane and moved to the town of Alice Springs.
Camels are still trained in Alice Springs for tourist jaunts and for occasional sale to Australia's zoos.
I am very lucky not very many writers can say they genuinely like the film of their book. However, I do.
I think a lot of writers are unrealistic about having their books translated into film.
I think people are frightened by different things, so I don't see myself as particularly courageous.
I try to factor solitude into my life because more and more, that's becoming a very precious and rare commodity.
I'd always loved writing, in the same way that I'd loved painting. I wouldn't have seen it as a career.
Thank God for being a writer, because you do sort of find out what you think by the process of writing.
I think a lot of writers are unrealistic about having their books translated into film.
The truth is I'm not really interested in travel writing as it's generally conceived, and even less so in female travel writing.
Camels are still trained in Alice Springs for tourist jaunts and for occasional sale to Australia's zoos.
I'd always loved writing, in the same way that I'd loved painting. I wouldn't have seen it as a career.