I've been at every American Legion and VFW post in my district.
I'm a fiscal conservative. That's how I define myself.
Democrats get credit for money coming into the state, but I do a lot of heavy lifting.
Syria is a problem, but Iran is a bigger problem.
I don't think we need a Washington-imposed solution.
I sent my personal check to the Planned Parenthood of Northern New Jersey. My wife and I do every year.
I do support and believe in the Second Amendment. But I do think we need more background checks rather than less.
Part of my job is to make sure the Northeast is part of our defense industrial base, and New Jersey has always played a role.
My father could never remember anybody's name.
You don't want to upset the people from California. They can outvote you.
I personally feel all guns ought to be registered.
If people are shooting at you, it's human nature to be afraid. I was afraid. I'll be quite blunt about that.
A lot of New Jerseyans... Have been very supportive of me.
The killings that were perpetrated in the time after we left Iraq would never be forgotten, I completely agree with you.
I hate the sequester. I hate it.
I had never had a particularly warm feeling about Richard Nixon, and it didn't get any warmer after my service.
When you have 435 people who are opinionated... Sometimes agreeing on things is difficult.
New Jersey has more Superfund sites than other state in the nation, but considerable progress has been made.
I think it's important Republicans be in the majority so, like my Democratic counterparts, I give to the party.
I go to a lot of events morning, noon and night when I'm not in Washington.
When the USS New Jersey is commissioned, it will be a source of pride for everyone in our state for decades.
It is important for me to personally visit Superfund sites to assess the progress being made.
I'm fiscally conservative but socially moderate. A moderate Republican - there just aren't many of us left.
There's been nobody who stays in more communication and listens to veterans more than I do.