If bitcoin is more expensive or slower than traditional financial systems, people aren't going to use it.
Gox is the worst-run business in the history of the world.
If there's another iPhone that's better, that's sad for my old iPhone. But it means we get to use a better one.
Price is the least interesting thing about bitcoin.
Silicon Valley is a great place for Bitcoin, since everyone understands computers, and there are lots of libertarians running around.
I don't think Bitcoin cares what the Chinese or American politicians do.
Monero at a protocol level is very, very private and has that big advantage over bitcoin.
I think most politicians have almost no understanding of economics; otherwise, they wouldn't have become politicians.
The U.S. Is making it extremely difficult for me to stop being American.
Somehow I wound up with the nickname 'Bitcoin Jesus,' so people expect me to know about everything everywhere.
You have to be really, really careful how you use bitcoin in order to use it privately.
Bernie Madoff... Was regulated up and down and every which way, and it didn't do any good - he ran away with everyone's money.
If the world's using bitcoin, governments won't be able to fund wars through inflation like they do today.
People own their own bodies and have the absolute right to put anything they want into it.
I do think that overall blockchains are likely to be a much more powerful force for good than evil.
Before Bitcoin, I was just waiting around for the Singularity.
St. Kitts' government is much more libertarian compared with the U.S. It's not even close.
I don't have much faith... In the government police.
I don't think it matters at all if the Bitcoin Foundation were to close.
Bitcoin is here to stay.