The goat must browse where she is tied.
Love understands all languages.
Better a healthy donkey than a consumptive philosopher.
If you lie upon roses when you're young, you'll lie upon thorns when you're old.
Before you make a friend, eat a bushel of salt with him.
He who is afraid of death, loses his life.
A fair day in winter is the mother of a storm.
Gloves hide the ugliest hands.
There is no going to heaven in a sedan.
There's no physician like a true friend.
Eating and scratching want but a beginning.
What does a donkey know about the life of a nightingale?
Many bring their clothes to church rather than themselves.
One who sits between two chairs may easily fall down.
When men take wives they stop fearing hell.
The best parents are both purses for money and sacks for the corn.
Women have long skirts and short minds.
The tree makes shafts for axes.
Long and lazy, little and loud; fat and fulsome, pretty and proud.
Winter will ask you what you did during the summer.
A great ship asks for deep waters.
A blind man will not thank you for a looking glass.
When a liar speaks the truth, he is sick.
You don't go into a tavern to say your prayers.
Long absent, soon forgotten.
A woman's tongue is a double edged knife.
A bean in liberty is better than a comfit in prison.