A lot of people offered me to go public, but I have always rejected it.
I always wanted to work on the consumer market; I always wanted to work with people.
I believe in emotional branding.
I do not separate my job and my personal life; therefore, I never work and never rest.
I don't very much distinguish when I'm working. I do what I like to do the time changes and my activity changes.
I had dreams about working for a big foreign company.
I own 100% of everything because I like to control what I do.
I started like many young Russian people in the beginning of perestroika when it seemed that everything was possible.
I was proud of my Soviet country, of wearing Young Pioneer uniform, bombarded by my mother's Communist propaganda.
I would prefer myself to own all of my brand, where everything I am responsible for myself.
If you do things you like to do, then your life will be easy.
Lots of businesses built in the early 1990s were not very transparent, not only by Russians, but also by foreigners.
Money is always an indicator of a job well done.
There are a lot of people who are trying hard to sell themselves as Russian vodkas.
What's my expectation in the U.S.? I would like to replace Grey Goose.