A lifetime of low calories has come naturally to the longest-lived people in the world... In the Japanese archipelago of Okinawa.
Do we really want to continue to push out the envelope of survival only to see other things crop up that we may not like?
Exercise is roughly the only equivalent of a fountain of youth that exists today, and it's free to everyone.
Humans will die like all living things do, but we have the added burden of knowing that we will.
If we do everything right, the best we can do is live out our potential with as little age-related disease and disability as possible.
If you do an autopsy on an 85-year-old who died of a stroke, you will find five other things that person was about to die from.
In centenarians and supercentenarians - people over 110 - you see a higher level of fecundity much later in life.
In Genesis 63, it says man can live to be 120, but there is no scientific basis for it.
In Hollywood they're getting younger, but believe me, it's not the food. It's the plastic surgery.
In centenarians and supercentenarians - people over 110 - you see a higher level of fecundity much later in life.
People pushing the idea that everyone can live to be 100 are perpetuating a myth that goes all the way back to the Bible.