When a base fellow cannot vie with another in merit he will attack him with malicious slander.
Purpose without power is mere weakness and deception; and power without purpose is mere fatuity.
Two persons die remorseful he who possessed and enjoyed not, and he who knew but did not practise.
Dost thou desire that thine own heart should not suffer, redeem thou the sufferer from the bonds of misery.
Reason is captive in the hands of the passions, as a weak man in the hands of an artful woman.
Were all thy fond endeavours vain To chase away the sufferer?s smart, Still hover near, lest absence pain His lonely heart.
When thou utterest not a word thou hast laid thy hand upon it; when thou hast uttered it, it hath laid its hand on thee.
Be thou generous, and gentle, and forgiving; as God hath scattered upon thee, scatter thou upon others.
If thou art a man, speak not much about thine own manliness, for not every champion driveth the ball to the goal.
If thy garments be clean and thy heart be foul, thou needest no key to the door of hell.
Let thy words between two foes be such that if they were to become friends thou shouldst not be ashamed.
No one hath come into the world for a continuance save him who leaveth behind him a good name.*
Whosoever hath not knowledge, and benevolence, and piety knoweth nothing of reality, and dwelleth only in semblance.