When I was younger, I was very athletic and I always loved sports and physical things.
Vampire teeth really aren't very efficient, are they? It looks very messy. I'm not sure it's the best way to get a pint off anyone.
There's no one out there like Quentin Tarantino. His films have a signature look, and they never just stick to the same kind of story.
The majority of teenagers don't even make eye contact with people, even people of the same age.
That's what acting is. You're pretending to be someone else.
My whole life I try to make into a comedy, so it would be nice to see that onscreen.
Lindsay Lohan was the 'It' girl from, like, 14. That's a lot of pressure.
Learning is the most important thing, no mater how you do it, or where you do it, or who you do it with.
If you don't have eyebrows, you don't really have a face.
I've never really felt like I was a child actor. Just an actor who happened to be quite young.
I've grown up with my parents' music tastes, listening to Fleetwood Mac and the Rolling Stones.
I've basically grown up with Harry Potter, as so many kids my age have. It's kind of a part of my life.
I've always wanted to act and I grew up a little on film sets when my dad was working as an actor.
I'm Irish, so I'm messing all the time. Which means, I'm having a laugh. I'm always making jokes.
I wouldn't go down the route of having an assistant. I don't want to be like that. I want to be normal.
I know most of the photographers in Ireland. And if I don't want my photograph taken, they will leave me alone.
I like to get far away from myself when I'm acting.
I love cleaning. I love mopping the floor. If you need your floor mopped, I'm there.
I would never want to move to L.A.
I think if my child died I would prefer it if I were dead.
I play basketball, I surf and swim and go to the cinema and listen to music and read. I like shopping.
I really want to go to college.