On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a computer programmer. But in my heart, I am a gamer.
Of course, no single entertainment device can enjoy eternal popularity.
It was very fortunate for Wii that a lot of households around the world decided to connect the Wii to the living room TV.
We think there is definitely a lot of use for online connectivity in creative games.
It's not part of our culture to even think about outright purchasing a third-party developer.
We really want to change the structure of home entertainment.
For me, I actually found that it would have been more frightening to take the conventional path.
Trust your passion. Believe in your dream.
We really cannot forget about the existence of the avid game fans - the fans of Nintendo games.
For young players, classic games are brand new. For others, they are a way to feel young again.
At Nintendo, we do not run from risk. We run to it.
Sometimes, ideas are like good wine in that they just need time.
We believe a truly new kind of game entertainment will not be realized unless there is a new way to connect a player to his game.
When people saw how other people were playing Wii Sports, they could immediately understand how different the system was.
Having a hardware development team in-house is a major strength.
Video games are meant to be just one thing Fun! Fun for everyone.
Regardless of age, gender, or game experience, anyone can understand Wii.
Personally, I think that users should be able to use all the functions of a console video game machine as soon as they open the box.
Nintendo is an entertainment company, but I think we need to broaden the definition of entertainment.
What Nintendo will do is simply try to do our best, believing that our strategy is right.
We always try to be a unique company.
It certainly makes a game better to have voice commands because it can alter how the game is played.
People will buy hardware just to buy a single game if the game is really compelling.