You've got to have a commitment to your craft.
You just go out and try to always play at your best.
You continue to compete against the very best every day, and you will get better, or you'll be embarrassed.
When you suffer a few losses in the playoffs, it forces you back into the gym early on.
When you speak of the Pat Rileys, the Phil Jacksons, you have to speak of Don Nelson and the success that he has had in the game.
When you look at Jerry Sloan teams, they're all very disciplined. They execute well. They play within themselves.
When you get some easy baskets, the basket definitely looks like it's much larger.
When the game is over, it's over. We leave everything on the court.
When I was growing up, I never thought I would play in the NBA.
When I say I played with the greatest, let's not forget I also played for the greatest coach of all time.
When I look at my career, I was really about defending.
When I grew up, I was just another kid who wasn't going to college.
When I got the call to guard Magic, I knew that I could cause him a lot of problems.
To have a beautiful house on the outside is one thing... Once you get inside, that's what really makes a home.
There's nothing like the camaraderie of being around the other players.
I think I learned a lot from a lot of experiences that I dealt with over my career.
Most of basketball is in the mind. But it helps to have big hands.
Basketball is a lifelong game. You continue to learn from the game day in and day out, and all along the way, you get better.
I'm thankful that I was able to have a long, healthy career for the most part.
Some guys get into the NBA, get the big money, and are satisfied with themselves.
There are a lot of people from my Central Arkansas days that I owe a lot of thanks to for how they helped me over the years.
It's definitely tough to get up and walk away from something you have been a part of for so long. But it's part of life.
I worked at a place called Virco. They build school desks.
I'm able to run and jump and do all the things I can do. I'm blessed.
It's tough to lose and lose and lose and get a little closer, but you still lose.
It doesn't really count as a great year if the team is not doing well.
Defensive awards and accolades aside, to have your jersey retired puts you in a position where you'll be known forever.