Whoever boards a boat and tries to enter Europe illegally has ruined his chances of gaining asylum in Europe and will be sent back.
We will try to raise awareness in Europe for the special situation and the special security needs of Israel.
We want an Islam of the Austrian kind, and not one that is dominated by other countries.
We view the protection of Jewish life as a mission. We have a historical responsibility, and this is our duty as a republic.
We strongly condemn all forms of anti-Semitism as well as any form of downplaying or denial of the Holocaust.
We Austrians know that in light of our own history, we have a special responsibility toward Israel and the Jewish people.
Those who do not put clear limits on migration will soon start to feel like strangers in their own land.
I think people are justifiably fed up of hearing migration talked about at the E.U. Level but not seeing anything happen in practice.
In the E.U., there are always morally superior people who think they have to educate the others.
It is important that we return to the principles of the Dublin agreement and help Greece with European funds to accommodate refugees.
It's a question of evidence-based politics. If you know that something does not work, you should not keep doing it.
Lots of migrants live in our country, and they make a significant contribution to our economy.