People are man's medicine.
A healthy ear can stand hearing sick words.
The strong don't need clubs.
It is better to walk fast than to grow angry at the forest.
Don't try to make someone hate the person he loves, for he will still go on loving, but he will hate you.
If a centipede loses a leg, it does not prevent him from walking.
Even the fall of a dancer is a somersault.
The opportunity that god sends does not wake up him who is asleep.
An intelligent enemy is better than a stupid friend.
The heart is not a knee that can be bent.
The night is the king of the shadows.
He may say that he loves you, wait and see what he does for you.
Eat coconuts while you have teeth.
If the eye do not admire, the heart will not desire.
An intelligent enemy is worth more than a stupid friend.
If the dog is not at home, he barks not.
If you had teeth of steel, you could eat iron coconuts.
It is better to be loved than feared.
Kings have no friends.
Lies that build are better than truths that destroy.
Little by little, one catches the monkey in the jungle.
Nobody tells all he knows.
Poverty is an older daughter of laziness.
Spilled water is better than a broken jar.
The chameleon changes color to match the earth, the earth doesn't change color to match the chameleon.
The cow steps on the calf, but she does not hate it.