I'd love it if every company could give raises to the average worker for doing good work.
Not every vacation is equal. And theory - the idea that vacations should increase happiness - doesn't always translate to reality.
Our daily decisions and habits have a huge impact upon both our levels of happiness and success.
Positive and engaged brains are a company's greatest assets. More than time and even more than productivity, people must be happy.
Positive vacations have a significant effect upon energy and stress.
Positivity is such a high predicator of success rates.
Research shows you get multiple tasks done faster if you do them one at a time. It also decreases stress and raises happiness.
Smart vacations lead to greater happiness and energy at work and, therefore, greater productivity, intelligence, and resilience.
Taking a vacation can actually increase the likelihood of getting a raise or a promotion.
The greatest competitive advantage in the modern economy is a positive and engaged brain.
The idea of investing in the positivity of employees is often low down on companies' priority lists.
To be truly engaged at work, your brain needs periodic breaks to gain fresh perspective and energy.
Traveling the world can be an amazing - and even better - a happy experience. You just have to do it the right way.
Turnover can be one of the most expensive problems at a company.
We not only need to work happy, we need to work at being happy.