I want to bring art into everything.
In true Slipknot fashion, nothing we plan works out the way we want it.
I couldn't imagine being in Slipknot and not going to Peru or Argentina or Moscow or St. Petersburg.
We help kids and fans of all ages find their social scenes. Find their place. Find their demeanor.
The goal every day of my life is to make some sort of artistic difference on a more profound level than just moshing.
We, as a band, have never decided to go away. We've never even talked about it. It's not even a question.
I think every song Slipknot has written is a greatest hit, but there are only four records.
It's just upsetting how the world is - the need and the necessity to override the value of life.
I want to go to colleges and give seminars. I want to sit down with kids in classrooms and have them challenge me.
I really believe Slipknot's rich with history and rich with things.
There was no way I was gonna be in a band and show my face.
I can only be the madman that I've been so long.
It's not about me. It's about what I'm doing for kids. When I walk out onstage, there's 15,000 kids that, to me, represent potential.
El Paso is the final Wild, Wild West city.
I have a lot of self-hatred and a lot of self-anger and a lot of things that I need to let go of.
The people who you think are the most solid are often the most hurt.
As the world grows and technology grows, it's getting harder to communicate and for kids to socialize.
What the world needs to know is that it's okay to need help.
I'm not gonna be like, 'Farewell tour!' then come back. Never say those words to fans - you have to come back if you say that.
Corey Taylor won't be mad at me saying, but I didn't think there'd be other bands. I thought we'd wear masks forever.
This world is ugly, and it's supposed to be, and it has to be in order for art to lead to grandness and beauty.
I jumped off my lift, smashed my knee pretty good - my meniscus and everything. So I had to have surgery.
The masks were more of a representation of what you wanted to present as yourself.
I love music, and I can't imagine life without music.
I won't even let anyone in my house. I'm a private person.
I'm pretty infamous for opening my garage and standing in the middle of it and sneering.
I don't like people because I don't trust them.
There is nothing perfect, no one can be perfect, and perfectionism is something you shouldn't chase.
I was born to make movies.
I work really hard to portray things that you're not going to see at Walmart.