It is no wonder that Wall Street always appears to stay one step ahead of the sheriff.
I've seen the same promises more jobs, higher wages, the jobs don't materialize ... The promises are remade.
But it's alright for mine workers to jack them around. Pardon my language, we're not leaving.
I think too many members would rebel against that but we'll see, I am concerned there is pressure.
I supported the President's move on steel tariffs, I think it's time we draw a line on Chinese misbehavior.
I don't question your integrity here but maybe your judgment, you buy stocks after you get appointed to a job like this?
Ohio workers and Ohio manufacturers already know that we are, in fact, in a trade war, and the Chinese have done very well, thank you.
We're a country of rule of law, and rule of law doesn't move fast, especially in an entity as big the U.S. Government.
Foreign companies in the United States have a significantly higher unionization rate than other companies overall.
The failure of one regional bank, assuming it is following a traditional model, will not threaten the entire system.
We see - every week or two, we see another story of a small business that went out of business because Donald Trump.
I know companies in Cleveland that could make the suits and the other things that Donald Trump has outsourced.
Hard-working men and women who have made America the strongest nation in the world are betrayed by Washington's trade policy.
I see all four presidential candidates, the leading four, Cruz and Trump and Sanders and Clinton, all oppose TPP.
We have rules about the environment and rules about worker safety and rules about consumer protection.
The voters in both parties understand our trade policy really has betrayed the middle class.